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Faults and Disqualifications
  1.  Crow Headed

  2.  Thumb Marks in Comb

  3. Twisted Comb in Front

  4. Coarse Twisted Wattles

  5. Loosely Fitted Lobes

  6. Double Points in Comb

  7. Mossiness

  8. Up to 20% Over Standard Weight

  9. Up to 20% Under Standard Weight

  10. Frozen Combs

  11. Comb Points More or Less Than 5 

  12. Eye Injuries/Missing/Not Matching in Color

  13. Coarse, Wrinkled Wattles

  14. Pinched Tail

  15. Foreign Color in any Variety

  16. Back Cushion

  17. Crooked Keel

  18. Crooked Toes

  19. Spurs on Females

  20. Double Spurs on Males

  21. Feathered Middle Toe

  22. Wrong Eye Color

  23. Excessive White Fluff at Base of Tail

  24. Dark Spots on Shanks/Feet/Toes

  25. Poor Feather Quality/Lack of Luster

  26. Purple Barring in Black Feathers

  27. Tail Angle held any other degree than 45




  1. Lopped Single Comb (Male), and in excess in females.

  2. Side Sprigs on Combs

  3. Split Comb

  4. Split Tail

  5. Split Wing

  6. Duckfoot

  7. Slipped Wing

  8. Twisted Feathers

  9. Squirrel Tail

  10. Vulture Hocks

  11. Wry Tail

  12. 20% or More Over Standard Weight

  13. 20% or More Under Standard Weight

  14. Any Characteristics Foreign to the Breed

  15. Deformed Beak

  16. Blind in Both Eyes

  17. Split Primary Wing Feathers

  18. Crooked, Roached or Deformed back

  19. Bow Legs

  20. Deformed or Enlarged Joints

  21. Knock Kneed

  22. Web-Footed

  23. Clean Legs 

  24. White Earlobes

  25. Pearl or Black Eyes

  26. Yellow, or Willow legs or feet in any Variety.

  27. Yellow Beaks.




  1. Brown Wing Bay on Black Copper variety

  2. Any other color but White on White variety

  3. Spotted breast, black, or no triangular wing bay on Male Wheaten

  4. Washed off Back Colors on Female Wheaten 

Variety Specific Disqualifications

©2018-2025 by The Marans Club

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